Week 9 - Blog Post


I hope you all had a wonderful sunny Saturday and Sunday to finish your week. It was so lovely to see some of you at our Year 6 family mass on Saturday night, what a special ceremony it was, including the blessing of the palms for Palm Sunday. It was also lovely to share some pizza with the students after mass. Thank you Mrs Holt for organizing a beautiful afternoon. ⸙⸙ 

Merit Award:
Congratulations to Skyla Boyes for winning our merit award last week. She has demonstrated descriptive, detail in her narrative stories. We love reading your super stories Skyla, keep up the great work.

Week 8 Learning

Sport Session:
In 6H class sport over the upcoming year, I will be giving the students the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills through teaching an in class sport session. The students will be responsible for collecting the material, sports equipment needed and creating and planning the session. We kicked off with Jeremy and Noah running an amazing session of capture the flag, introducing new rules to the game. They showed enthusiasm, leadership and responsibility. Well done Noah and Jeremy. All the students had a wonderful session. Next sport session will be ran by Lily, Nina and Avalon.

In maths, we have been learning about exponents and powers on Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday, we will be doing a summative test on Wednesday to see how the students have developed in the following topics: place value, factors, multiples, composite, prime numbers, exponents and powers. The students will also be practicing x8 times tables for homework.
Over the last week, we have started writing our own version of the story of Narnia. We have included a new and exciting story starter, a description of how the children left their mother and moved to the countryside and how they found the magical wardrobe. Then from there the students used their 5 senses to help describe the world beyond the wardrobe. Their inclusion of adjectives, alliteration and wonderful descriptions have ensured that these stories will be an exciting read. Next week we will be creating our very own "Narnian" character to add into the story. 
Please note: We intend to watch the rest of  'Narnia - the Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe' on Wednesday. This movie is rated PG therefore I am required to inform you and ask that if you would prefer that your child didn't see the film that you notify me of this ASAP. 

Religion - Holy Week:
Last week the students learned about Holy Week, which starts today with Palm Sunday. The students will be working in a group of 9 to create 3 scenes from Holy Week including: 
  1. The Last Supper - Sharing of the Bread and the Wine
  2. Maunday Thursday - Washing of the feet
  3. Garden of Gesthemene - Praying among the trees 
The students will plan and work in their groups to create the 3 scenes above in a shoe box. Once complete they will then use these scenes to teach their buddy class (year 2) about these important dates in the Church calendar. 
Please Note - We have asked the students to bring in items from home that they can use to create these scenes including shoe boxes (if you have any at home), craft materials and ideas. Please see the below images to spark the students imagination. 

First Aid: 
Well done to all the students this week for their responsible listening and learning this week during the first aid lesson. 

Week 9 Reminders 

Year 6 Camp: 
Reminder that the Year 6 Camp will be held on the first week of Term 2. We will be departing on Tuesday the 20th of April and returning on Friday the 23rd of April. The camp will be held in Pinjarra. Later in the week you will receive an email with a 'What to Pack' list and other details regarding times, please keep an eye out for this. If you have any questions regarding the camp please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Swimming Carnival: 
As you may already be aware our Swimming Carnival will take place this Thursday 1st April at Margaret River Leisure Centre. The start time is 10am, please refer to school's previous email for further information.

Parent Night: 
It was lovely to meet with those parents that I saw last week, it was great to have the time to get to know you further and get the opportunity to create some SMART goals for the students for term 2. I look forward to meeting the rest of you next week. 
Please help us construct Pre-Primary Icebergs!
The OLC Pre-primary science lessons have involved looking at how ‘the sun changes everything’. They are planning on finishing their unit by constructing 2 ‘icebergs’ in the pre-primary area to see how the sun effects one sitting in the sun and the other sitting in the shade. But they need your help….
They are asking every family in the school to bring iceblocks (made using an icecream container or large plastic container) to the Pre-primary playground this Thursday morning (1st April). You may colour the water if you like.
They will watch the icebergs melt throughout the day after predicting how long it will take for the icebergs to melt and which one will melt first.
Please help them construct the biggest icebergs they can!!!

Upcoming Events
1.  Parent Teacher Interviews week 8 and 9 
2. Whole School Mass - Wednesday 31st March
3. Swimming Carnival - Thursday 1st April - Margaret River 
4. Good Friday - No School - 2nd April 

Due: Wednesday, 31st March 
Our homework diaries having not arrived as yet. The students will continue using their homework books for now. 
Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading 20 minutes each night - write title and amount read into their homework book each night.
2. Spelling Activities - revision of incorrect words 
3. Mathematics - Times Tables - x8 oral
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.

Go n-éiri an bóthár leat (May your journey be successful). 
Miss Hurst


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