Blog Post - Welcome back to Term / Camp Reminder


I hope you all had a excellent Easter with family and friends. I am sure there was lot's of chocolates and excited children in every household. I had chocolate pancakes for breakfast Easter Sunday so I was a happy chappy! I went to Perth for two nights, saw friends and did some shopping and explored as a tourist, which was wonderful and got to enjoy a wonderful sunset over the city (picture below) we really do live in a wonderful place, we are blessed. 🙌 I hope both you and the students have had a lovely and relaxing break, however, I am looking forward to getting back and getting stuck in to camp - I do miss my students! I cannot wait to hear all about what they got up to over the holidays and hear their enthusiasm and excitement for their last camp in Primary School.

⭐⭐Star Citizen⭐⭐
Congratulations to Holly Kerr for winning our star citizen award at the end of term 1 for compassion. Holly continues to demonstrate what it means to be a compassionate leader both at school and in her local community. The world is a better place because she is in it, advocating for community services, animal welfare and causes close to her heart. She is an extremely generous soul to both her friends and other students, not only is she generous with her smiles, friendship and time but I know that she is also kind and generous with her money. Continually raising money and awareness for community projects like the Yallingup Rural Fire Brigade. Congratulations on receiving this award Holly, I am truly grateful to have a compassionate advocate like you in my class and relieved to know that we have someone like you to care for our planet. 🌏

Learning from the last week of Term 1:

Swimming Carnival:
I was so proud of all the year 6 students leadership, teamwork and organisational skills at the swimming carnival in Margaret River. They were a credit to OLC and themselves. They all swam wonderfully and tried their very best for their faction. Well done to the overall winners of the swimming carnival: 

Champion Girl - Kirra Chandler
Runner up Champion Girl - Ellie Richardson

Champion Boy - Flynn Eastaugh
Runner up Champion Boy - Cooper Bidesi

Overall winners of the swimming Carnival were Geographe, Noah and Rose collected the trophy proudly as the teams sports captains. 💙

Religion - Holy Week:
During the last two weeks of school the students learned about Holy Week. The students then worked in their groups of 9 to create scenes from Holy Week including: 
  1. The Last Supper - Sharing of the Bread and the Wine
  2. Maunday Thursday - Washing of the feet
  3. Garden of Gesthemene - Praying among the trees 
The students planned and created their scenes together in their groups and then created a script to be able to work with their scene to help them teach their buddy year 2 class. It was a wonderful lesson and the students showed great leadership and teaching skills when working with their buddies. 
A big thank you to all the families that sent in extra crafting materials and shoe boxes. 

Camp Reminder:
We are all looking forward to sharing in all the wonderful experiences with your students. School camps always offer great bonding opportunities and all the staff attending have attended many school camps previously.

A few last-minute points to share with you before camp:
The buses will be leaving on Tuesday 20th April at 9am from the Cape Naturaliste Road carpark at OLC.
We ask for the students to drop their larger luggage items at the entrance of the hall (near the steps at the top carpark) before 8.30am and then make their way to the classroom as per usual.
All students will need to bring a small backpack with a hat, lunch and morning tea in a disposable container on Tuesday (this can be brought to the classroom).
We will be making a stop at Koombana Bay, Bunbury to eat our recess and have a play at the playground with an estimated arrival to Fairbridge at 12pm.

We will be returning on Friday 23rd April at approximately 2.30pm. Where possible, please be available to pick your child up at this time from the top carpark, to avoid the mad rush at 3pm.
We have attached a “What to bring list” to this email, please ensure you can access this link to prepare your child’s things over the holidays. 
We will not be participating in any water- based activities. No electronic devices will be permitted at camp, this includes cameras and Apple watches. Teachers will be the professional photographers on camp and upload these photos to OneDrive for the students to access afterwards.
A vehicle will be onsite for emergency purposes. If you require to contact your child at camp (for complete emergencies only). 

If you have any other queries or concerns about camp, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be using Monday in class to answer any of the students questions and prepare them for the logistics and routines of camp life. I am sure the excitement will be building when they arrive home on Monday. If you find there are more questions then, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I am sure this will be a wonderful camp with some wonderful memories of their final year to take away with them. 

Packing list can be viewed by clicking here

Upcoming Events
1.  Camp - Week 1 - Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd
2. Anzac Day - Public Holiday - Monday 26th April
3. Relief - Just a heads up that their will be a relief teacher in with the students in 6H on Tuesday the 27th April as I will be at training for the MJR program. 
Go n-éiri an bóthár leat (May your journey be successful). 
Miss Hurst


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