Hello from Prada Piaggi and Ellie Crawford - Week 11 learning Term 2


This blog has been expertly created by Prada and Ellie, and I am sure you will agree that they have done a wonderful job. 

We are in the season Makuru, what you may know as winter! 
Did you know that last week (21st of June - Monday) was the shortest day of the year? 
It is also now going to slowly get lighter and brighter as we get closer to Summer. 🌞 YAY! 

👏🎤OLC Has Got Talent💃🏃
How wonderful was the dance concert on Friday? The talent from all of our students was outstanding. A massive shout out to the wonderful Mrs Haines also, she is AMAZING. 

July Birthdays: 
Ellie Richardson- 9th of July – Who has had and early birthday last Sunday!
Prada Piaggi - 16th of July – Who will celebrate her Birthday on the Holidays!
Happy birthday to you have a AMAZING birthday and Holiday…
Learning from week 11 of Term 2:

In writing this week we have been working hard to get the last few people to finish their South West animal informational report. Our new focus this week is our saint Biography; due to Confirmation we have been choosing our Saints. 
Prada has chosen St Catherine De Virgi the Patron Saint of creativity. 
Ellie Crawford choose St Patrick the patron Saint of Ireland.

In art this week we have been drawing our SouthWest animal in the style of artist Marini Ferlazzo, you should go check their art it is pretty cool! Here are some examples of the art we did!

In HASS we have been learning about the Stolen Generation including discussing why we say Sorry during National Sorry Day and Reconciliation week. We also have been talking about the movie Rabbit Proof Fence, the Australian movie about the Stolen Generation, we watched the rest of the movie on Friday, as a good way to end the term off.

Thank you for reading our blog, we hope you have a beautiful week. 😎😎😎

Bloggers - Prada and Ellie. 

    Confirmation Reminder 

Please read carefully:

Our Confirmation Mass is set to take place on Sunday 1st August at 8.30am at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish.

As part of our Confirmation Program at the school, it is expected that all students participate, whether it be in a prayer buddy (Non-Catholic) or Confirmation Candidate (Catholic) capacity. This means that all students will be exposed to the learning behind this sacrament, as well as having a part within the mass. Obviously those who aren't Catholic will not officially receive the Sacrament of Confirmation but will be included in things such as the liturgical movement, a blessing and receive a certificate. It is always great to see the students supporting one another as a collective, especially in their final year at Primary School.

This week in class, we have discussed briefly the background of Confirmation: when it first began and the purpose behind this sacrament. We then learnt what a saint is and the process in which a candidate goes through to become a saint. The students were to research the 'Canonisation Process' forming a flow chart on Word that clearly showed the 4 steps within the process. They had a set criteria of the features that needed to be included, look at these excellent examples...

From here the students were encouraged to think about the qualities, traits and strengths that they most admire about themselves and would look for in a role model. It was then that they were asked to research and choose a Saint that best resonated with them due to their commonalities. Once a Saint was selected the students began to research their Saint in greater detail, taking notes to assist them with writing their Biography next term, as well as their Saint Box project that they are to complete over the holidays.

Yesterday the students were given the description and rubric for their holiday project where they have to create a Saint Box and Oral Presentation that will teach us about their Saint. Please see the note given to the students yesterday below (I have also attached a link to the document, just incase your child loses it):

We are asking that those who have been absent in the final week to catch up and complete this task as well. The Saint Box is due Wednesday 21st July (week 1) and the presentations will begin that day also.

Please contact either Sandy or myself if you have any further queries regarding this task.

All students will be participating in our Confirmation Retreat day on Friday 30th July (Week 2). Mrs Meyer has been working incredibly hard to ensure this day is special for all of the children. There are a range of activities that the children will take part in on the day, including receiving a letter from you. They will also participate in a Reconciliation liturgy and practice for Confirmation on the Sunday.

The day will take place in the hall and the students will be able to wear free dress. The school will be providing lunch for the children and we ask that each student brings a share plate for recess.
- Boys are to bring a plate of savoury food
Girls are to bring a plate of sweet food

Please contact me if you have any further questions. 

On the Retreat Day all students, including those who are not receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, will have an opportunity to read and reflect on a letter sent from their parents. So I thought I would give you the heads up now to begin writing, so we can have them all completed and returned to me by the END OF WEEK 1, TERM 3. See more information about this below:


This letter is often something your child will cherish and hold onto for a long time.

The length of the letter is totally up to you, however I ask that once you have completed it you put it in a sealed envelope with your child's name on the front and pass it on to me. I would like for you to keep this a secret and a complete surprise for them on their retreat day, so this may mean dropping it off to the front office or slipping it inside something else for your child to pass onto me (I am very good at secret squirrel business).

In this letter you may want to include:
- Your fondest memories of them
- What qualities you most admire about them
- How they contribute and fit within the family unit
- The attributes you are most proud of, making them a role model for others
- Highlight any of their achievements
- Your best wishes for when they receive the Holy Spirit for the first time and wishing them well for their next stage of their faith journey (only for those completing the sacrament)
- Any important advice about life or lessons in life
I hope these suggestions have helped. The most important thing is that they are from the heart!
Please can you have these returned to me by Friday 23rd July (end of week 1).

On Tuesday 20th July (week 1) we will be holding our Confirmation Workshop in the hall at 5.30pm. If your child is receiving their Confirmation, you and your child are required to attend this workshop. In this workshop we will explore the sacrament further and discuss the important elements and how you and your child can apply this within your life. Prayer buddies are most welcome to join us, however it is not compulsory that the prayer buddies attend.

On Saturday 24th July at 6pm there is a Confirmation Commitment and Year 6 Family Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross. All students are required to attend, as this is the Year 6 Family Mass as well. Pizza will be served afterwards for those that want to stay and have a quick chat.

If you are unable to make it, you will need to attend another mass on one of the other weekend masses leading up to Confirmation. On this occasion, please see Father Francis before the mass to inform him that you are their for the Sacrament Commitment, this way he can carryout the blessing with the congregation.


1. Confirmation Sash: Form and $18 due - Friday 2nd July

2. Confirmation Parent-Child Workshop - Tuesday 20th July @ 5.30pm

3. Saint Box and Oral Presentation due Wednesday 21st July

4. Confirmation student letters due - Friday 23rd July 

5. Year 6 Commitment and Family Mass @ 6pm @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Saturday 24th July

6. Father Tony Confirmation student visit - Wednesday 28th July

7. Interschool Cross Country - Thursday 29th July

8. Year 6 Confirmation Retreat Day - Friday 30th July

9. Confirmation Mass @8.30am @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross - Sunday 1st August

See what I mean...a HUGE first two weeks...but we can do it!!


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