Week 1 Learning Term 3


Well we started Week 1 of Term 3 with a bang and a boom! Straight into Confirmation workshop and preparation for Confirmation and Saint box presentations. Our students have been AMAZING, they have all worked very hard and shown perseverance and awesome presenting skills. You will be able to view the presentations with the grading rubric for each child on Seesaw in week 3. More information on how to access this will be available to you soon. 

Thank you to all the parents and students that will attend our Year 6 Commitment and Family Mass tonight, Saturday at 6pm. It will be lovely to see you all and be there to support our Confirmation candidates. If you were unable to make it, you will need to attend another mass on one of the other weekends leading up to Confirmation. On this occasion, please see Father Francis before the mass to inform him that you are their for the Sacrament Commitment, this way he can carryout the blessing with the congregation.

⭐⭐Merit Award⭐⭐
Well done to Ari Wilson for receiving our 6H Merit Award for week 1 of Term 3.  Ari has put in outstanding effort this week with his learning, particularly when focusing his Confirmation art piece and the research and hard work he put into his Saint box presentation. Ari has started Term 3 with a bang! Well done Ari, keep up the hard work. 

July/August Birthdays: 
Ellie Richardson - 9th July
Prada Piaggi - 16th July
Jasper Edwards - 6th August
Rhavi Howard - 26th August
Happy Birthday to you all, we hope you have a wonderful July and August and a fantastic Birthday!

Learning from week 1 of Term 3:

Confirmation Parent & Child Confirmation Workshop:
On Tuesday 20th July we held our Confirmation Parent & Child Workshop in the hall. Thank you to all the parents and students for coming along and participating. Thank you to Father Francis for giving his time to help support and provide a deeper connection to the sacrament for our students. 

In art the students have been creating beautiful artworks to decorate the Church for Confirmation. The students have chosen a symbol from Confirmation and used small pieces of painted lasagna to create a mosaic effect. They are beautiful, these wonderful pieces of work will be on display at the Church for the Confirmation mass. 

In writing this week we have finished off our Saint biographies. The students have been working very hard researching their chosen Saint and have drawn a picture of their Saint. These wonderful pieces of work will be on display at the Church for the Confirmation mass. 

This week we are focusing on this weeks sound for the week [oo] in book. 

This week the students were introduced to the new Technologies topic for Term 3. This term we are looking at the topic "Caring for Country". We will be learning from our First Nations People on how to properly Care for the land around us and appreciate where we live. Next week the students will be doing a foraging nature walk around the school grounds and looking for different coloured plants and tree bark and branches. The students have been instructed that they cannot take what nature has not already given, so they can only take what is on the ground already. We will then go back to class and use these items to create unique coloured patterns on fabric using native plants, this will create a natural tye dye effect on the fabric. The material that the students will use is a plain reusable shopping bag. The students can then use this for shopping or the library. 

Important Information:

Confirmation Retreat Day
All students will be participating in our Confirmation Retreat day on this upcoming Friday 30th July. Mrs Meyer has been working incredibly hard to ensure this day is special for all of the children. There are a range of activities that the children will take part in on the day, including receiving your letter. They will also participate in a Reconciliation liturgy and practice for Confirmation the next day.
The day will take place in the hall and the students will be able to wear free dress. The school will be providing lunch for the children and we ask that each student brings a share plate for recess (just from past experience a small plate of food will be plenty).
- Boys are to bring a plate of savoury food
- Girls are to bring a plate of sweet food
Please contact me if you have any further questions.

Confirmation Day
Our Confirmation will be held on Sunday the 1st of August, all students need to be seated by 8.15am. All students are asked to attend as both candidates and buddies all have a part in the Sacrament including the beautiful liturgical movement. Attire: Sunday Best. Sash on Right Shoulder.
Predominately white. It is going to be a beautiful sacrament, the students have been working very hard. 

Volunteers Wanted
If any of our wonderful parents are available for volunteering in preparation for Confirmation we would be entirely grateful. We are looking for anyone who is gifted in the following: calligraphy, flower decoration, cake making and/or willing to host a home mass. 

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Gratitude. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

Upcoming Events
1. Confirmation student letters due - OVERDUE - Due Monday 26th July 
2. Father Tony Confirmation student visit - Wednesday 28th July
3. Interschool Cross Country - Thursday 29th July
4. Year 6 Confirmation Retreat Day - Friday 30th July
5. Confirmation Mass @8.30am @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross - Sunday 1st August

Homework - (Due Friday 30th June) 
We have now got the students diary, WAHOO!! They were very excited, however, it does now require an extra detail of organisation. Please note, some students did not complete their homework tasks this week, this will now be followed up weekly with you over email to ensure the students are prepared for the workload that will come in high school. It is unfortunately the same recurring students.  Please also check and sign the students homework diary on a Thursday night. 
Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading x 20 minutes every night - students to write up the pages that they read that night and the parent to sign every night. 
2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book. 
3. Mathematics - Two Mathletics tasks to be completed as well as a worksheet that will revise a topic from the previous term. 
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.
5. Any unfinished class tasks. 

Have a brilliant weekend, let's hope we see a little sunshine at some point. Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Miss Hurst


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