Hello from Holly Kerr and Holly Greening - Week 4 Learning Term 3


This blog has been expertly created by Holly Kerr and Holly Greening, and I am sure you will agree that they have done a wonderful job. 

Kaya, this month we are in the season of Djilba which combines hot, cold and windy days which include lots of wild flowers and trees blossoming into flower!

This Friday the whole school participated in our annual Mission Markets, which involved fundraising events to raise money for Socktober and for people in need. It was a really fun day for the school, and it was our schools 25th anniversary and that’s pretty old!!!

August & September Birthdays: 
Rhavi Howard - 26th of August
Dior Blackburn - 18th of September
Noah Brice - 21st of September
Happy birthday to you, have an AMAZING birthday!
Learning from week 3 of Term 3:

In writing we have been learning what persuade means, and how you change their mind on a particular topic. Some ways you persuade someone is in and advertisement, articles or in a speech. Some other ways are in letters or reviews to have more recess time for example or having no homework which I think everyone agrees too!!!

In maths we have started our new topic, chance and probability. In this topic we have been learning how fair and unfair games are not the same and how you can change a fair game to an unfair game.

In art this week we have been finishing off our Djilba art and our OLC cards. They are all turning out AMAZING!!!!!! We are all rushing to get it done in a GOOD way!!

Important Information:

Socktober Activity -
Dear Parents, the students all need to bring some materials in on Monday to create their own socktober ball. They will then use this ball throughout the week to show the students how the students play sport in Thailand. This will give the students an inside view and perspective on life for these students and why we raise money during Mission Markets for socktober. The items the students will be collecting are; old socks, string, elastic bands, nets and old rags, etc. Thank you for your help with this. 

Student Uniform -
Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day, i.e. only wearing sport uniform on sport day. This also includes wearing the correct socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Please ensure you check your child before they attend school. 

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Humility. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

School Athletics Carnival
Our Athletics Carnival is set for Thursday 26 August. They are set on this date to allow us to work with our students competing in the interschool sports on Thursday September 23. Jumps and throws will take place from next week during the children's normal sport lesson times.
If the rain continues, we may postpone the sports to a later date. The constant rain is also may making it difficult to judge the jumps events prior to the 26th.

Open Evening
All PP-6 families are warmly invited to walk through your children’s classroom on Friday 25 August between 5-6 pm. Let your child show you through their workbooks and class displays.

Book Week
Our Book Week celebration will be held in the final week of term with the dress-up assembly being held first part of the day. (There is a slight chance the costumes may not be at their finest at our normal assembly time!)

Upcoming Events

1. Wed 25 Aug: Open Classroom Evening 4.30pm - 5.30pm

2. Thurs 26 Aug: Athletics Carnival

3. Fri 27 Aug: Student Free Day

Seesaw App - Please note there are some families that have still not connected to their child's Seesaw app, can you please use the QR code sent home with your child to login and access your child's portfolio of work. Please let me know if you have any issues or questions. 

Homework - (Due Friday 20th of August) 
Please ensure all students are completing their homework and getting you to check it with a signature nightly and then signing the learning grid and homework diary on a Thursday afternoon before it is returned. 
Please note some separate emails will be sent out today to individual parents about students that have not returned their homework, this will become a regular communication from now on so that you are aware of the progressing situation. 
Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading x 20 minutes every night - students to write up the pages that they read that night and the parent to sign every night. 
2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book. 
3. Mathematics - Two Mathletics tasks to be completed as well as a worksheet that will revise a topic from the previous term. 
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.
5. Any unfinished class tasks.

We both hoped that you enjoyed our wonderful blog from Holly and Holly 😂🐴🐔  


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