Hello from Tieg, Orlando, Cielo and Georgia - Week 2 and 3 learning Term 3


This blog has been expertly created by Tieg, Orlando, Cielo and Georgia, and I am sure you will agree that they have done a wonderful job. 

Week 2 Learning - Tieg and Orlando 

Yo what’s up Orlando and Tieg in da house!!! 

We are in the season Djilba know as the season of very cold and clear days combining with warmer, rainy and windy days. Did you know Djilba is the start of the yellow flowering plant such as the acacias? 

What a week it has been, good job to the year 6 candidates and prayer buddies that took part in the confirmation and received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This week year six has been making artwork to stick up at the church and around the class. Orlando is showing you one of these artworks below, it is a Holy Spirit Dove with the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit included. 

On Friday, all the year sixes will participate in retreat day .For those who don’t know what retreat day is it’s a day where we get together and do really fun activities and fill up on delicious foods, it was a great day, thank you to all the teachers, volunteers and Mrs Meyer for organizing this great day. 

August Birthdays: 
Jasper Edwards - 6th of August
Rhavi Howard - 26th of August
Happy birthday to you, have an AMAZING birthday!
Learning from week 2 of Term 3:

In writing this week we have started writing about our saints that we chose and we have researched about them so we can present them to the class; Orlando chose St George the Patron Saint of England, and Tieg chose St Patrick the Patron Saint of Ireland. 

In math this week we started our new topic of Probability and Chance. We started by looking at predicting the outcome of the game rock, paper, scissors and then the probability of winning when playing 10 rounds. 

Thank you for reading our insane blog. 😎😎😎

Bloggers - Tieg and Orlando.

Week 3 Learning - Georgia and Cielo

Kaya, this Blog has been created by Georgia Breheny and Cielo Howard. We have started off this term in a fast pace getting ready and prepped for confirmation! It was such a beautiful and reverent ceremony and a time us kids, grandparents, sponsors and parents will never forget. We are now currently in the season of Djilba, which is August – September.

Fun 6H & 6R Facts
Did you know Georgia had her appendices erupt when she was only 2?
Did you know that Rose Rawling, can crack her neck, 😖 she is also incredible at flicking pen lids! 

👏🎤OLC Has Got Talent💃🏃
Huge weekend for Holly Greening (6H) and Lolah Day (6R) this weekend at the State Dressage Championships. Both girls did amazing with Holly winning two of her classes and also coming home with two 2nd places and a 4th place. Also, a well done to Jeremy Collis for coming 2nd overall in the Dunsborough Mountain Biking competition. 

😀 Important dates in August 🍉
1. National watermelon Day 3rd of August
2. National Smile Week 5th- 11th August
3. Mission Markets 13th August

⭐⭐Merit Award⭐⭐
Well done to Cielo Howard and Dior Blackburn for receiving our 6H Merit Awards for week 3.  They both received this award for the beautiful and well research Saint Box Presentation and research project. Well done girls, keep up the hard work for the rest of the year. 

August Birthdays: 
Jasper Edwards - 6th of August
Rhavi Howard - 26th of August
Happy birthday to you, have an AMAZING birthday!
Learning from week 3 of Term 3:

This Tuesday we had to write a cold task about how something that we would like to see changed around the school to improve our time at OLC. We had 10 minutes to plan and 50 minutes to write. 

For spelling all the students are dashing to try and get there spelling finished so they don’t have homework!!!

In class this week we have started reading the book called Aster’s Good Right Things. We are using this book for the school Book Week in a couple weeks. This book was published on the 1st of November 2020, and it has 129 pages and wrote by Kate Gordon.

This Week in technologies we made our reusable shopping bags using the Aboriginal way to natural tye dye using local flora that we foraged in the bush around the school! We were only allowed to use what natural already gave us, so no picking anything from the trees. We are excited to see what they turn out like in one month time. 

In friendology we have been learning about greeting other people and how to talk to other respectfully. We made a handshake with someone we don’t normally hang out with. We greeted other students in our class by looking the in the eye and a hard handshake.

Student led Sport Session:
This week in sport on Friday, we had a student led sport session. Luckily all the girls were togther to enjoy the awesome dance lesson that Georgia, Mia and Lexi presented. The girls ran a great warm-up at the start of dance. We then got into groups and we hade to make up our own dance to “Heat Waves”. All the teams made up dances and showed all the other groups! A fantastic job to Immy's Team for winning, they included all members of the group and had some great coordination. It was a super fun dance lesson!!!

Thank you for reading our blog. 😎😎😎

Bloggers - Cielo and Georgia.

Important Information:

OLC Feast Day Mass & Mission Markets - 
On Friday 13th August, we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary and the feast of the Assumption of Mary. Following this will be our Mission Day Market Stalls. Our markets are about raising money for Catholic Mission Australia. It is vital that all students understand that our market day is really about helping others. Students need to bring their pocket money for the market stalls on Friday. You have also received a text message requesting donations of coloured hair spray and nail polish for the Year 6 stall. Please send these into school with your child before Wednesday. Thank you for your support. 

Student Uniform -
Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day, i.e. only wearing sport uniform on sport day. This also includes wearing the correct socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Please ensure you check your child before they attend school. 

Character Strengths -
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Hope. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

Upcoming Events
1. Feast Day Mass, Mission Markets, Rotations - Friday 13th August 2021

Seesaw App - Please note there are some families that have still not connected to their child's Seesaw app, can you please use the QR code sent home with your child to login and access your child's portfolio of work. Please let me know if you have any issues or questions. 

Homework - (Due Thursday 12th of August) 
Please ensure all students are completing their homework and getting you to check it with a signature nightly and then signing the learning grid and homework diary on a Wednesday afternoon before it is returned. 
Please note some separate emails will be sent out today to individual parents about students that have not returned their homework, this will become a regular communication from now on so that you are aware of the progressing situation. 
Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading x 20 minutes every night - students to write up the pages that they read that night and the parent to sign every night. 
2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book. 
3. Mathematics - Two Mathletics tasks to be completed as well as a worksheet that will revise a topic from the previous term. 
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.
5. Any unfinished class tasks - 2x art tasks (Djilba artwork and OLC Card). 


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