Hello from Skyla, Laura, Charlie and Jeremy - Week 6 and 7 Learning Term 3

This blog has been expertly created by Skyla Boyes, Laura Jensen, Charlie McClenaughan and Jeremy Collis, and I am sure you will agree that they have done a wonderful job. 

Kaya, and welcome to our blog. At the end of week 6, the OLC students participated in the Our lady of the Cape Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to Leeuwin for winning the 2021 sport carnival award. Good job to all the other teams for trying their hardest. 

Sit back and relax as we tell you about our week. Did you know that we are in the season of Djilba? Djilba is a great time to grow potatoes and radishes and camp in sheltered bays and waterways?

Happy Father's Day to the Awesome Dads, Grandads & Uncles. We hope the students of 6H and 6R spoil you for the day and you enjoy your gift with a yummy BBQ!

September & October Birthdays: 
Dior Blackburn- 18th of September
Noah Brice- 21st of September
Skyla Boyes- 5th of Octobe
Violet Mouritz- 7th of October
Avalon Paterson- 10th of October
Lily Rawling-15th of October
Happy birthday to you, have an AMAZING birthday!
⭐⭐Merit Award⭐⭐
Well done to Violet Mouritz for receiving our 6H Merit Award for week 7, Term 3. Violet won this merit award for her impressive math board game creation. The game was presented beautifully, showed her deep creativity, was both fun and entertaining whilst also challenging the player with probability. Her instructions and rules were detailed and easy to follow. It was a truly well developed and impeccable piece of work. Well done, Violet.

⭐⭐6H's Got Talent⭐⭐
Well done to Jeremy Collis for coming first in the under 17 competition on the weekend. Well done Jeremy!

Dad Jokes:
Now it time for some dad jokes since its nearly father day.

1.What type of noise does a witches vehicle make?
Brooooooom, Brrrrroooooooom! 😎😆

2. What did the police officer say to his belly button?
You’re under a vest! We both hope that you enjoyed our amazing blog! 😂😎

Quick Riddle: 

You go at red but stop at green.
What am I? 
A Watermelon. You eat the red but don’t eat the green. 🍉🍉🍉

Learning from week 6 & 7 of Term 3:

During week 6, we have been taking our time to write a letter to the staffs of OLC to persuade them to do something that is either good for the environment, healthy and or will improve their safety or the safety of others. We used the power of persuasion to write this letter! We will also be making a poster about this campaign on the digital program Canva, these posters will be hung up around the school to encourage both students and staff to be persuaded to enact this healthy living campaign. 

During week 7, we worked towards completing our Hot Task in writing on Friday, which involves the year six students planning for 30 minutes and then writing for 60 minutes. Everyone worked very hard during this time. Below you will have a peek at the planning we made for our task. 

In art this week we have been beginning to sketch out a design for our calendar art. We had to draw a picture representing the Six Seasons in the South West. We were given multiple design ideas to inspire our work and from their we had to create our own piece. Josh from Koomal dreaming told us to use colors, plants and other native flora and fauna to make each season distinguishable from the other. Below you can view Avalon's beautiful piece of work, she incorporated both the Six Season's and the Aboriginal Flag, well done Avalon. 

In math we have done a probability math investigation were we had some written questions. We had a passage where we had find how many a’s b’s c’s ECT to count up. Then we had to find the probability of each letter out of 100, as there was 100 letters in the passage. Then we had a partner and recorded their results on our paper. After that we had to graph out the results and reflect on the results after. The results of this investigation can be viewed on Seesaw over the upcoming two weeks. 

Digital Technologies:
Over many weeks we have made an aboriginal tie die reusable bag made from 100% leaves and sticks from the ground that we collected, not picked. We wrapped the bag around the sticks and leaves, then put string around the bag then we stuffed it into a glass jar, put turmeric on it and then added hot water and put them in the sun and let the sun naturally create the tie die effect. They looked great but smelt TERRIBLE after one month of sitting in the sun. 👃👃

We also started to work out in the Aboriginal Garden, we cleared fallen trees, picked weeds and started digging a pathway. You will see the results of this very soon.... So Watch This Space! Below you will find some pictures of students in 6H and 6R working very hard!

Important Information:

Class Photos 
This Thursday 9th of September our school photos will be taking place. Please ensure your child is wearing the full winter uniform, including trousers, grey socks and the teal woolen jumpers on this day. Girls can wear trousers if they choose. Family photos can be taken before school from 8am on this day. 
We will also be having our Graduation photo on Friday 10th September. Can you please ensure your child is wearing their sports uniform with the correct white socks and Leaver's t-shirt (no faction t-shirts please!) There will also be a muck up photo at this time where the students can bring a small prop  (sunglasses, hat, wig, etc) to wear in this photo. 

OLC'S Got Talent 
Well done to the 16 acts that were selected for the OLC's Got Talent finals this Friday 10th September. Mrs Haines was so impressed with all the talent that auditioned last Tuesday, so a big shout to everyone who had the courage to get up there and perform. The final this Friday will begin at 1.45pm in the hall if you would like to attend. As a result, there will be no assembly this week. Thank you! Mrs Haines for organizing. 

Footy Sport Colour Day
On the last day of school we will have a footy/sport colours day. Gold coin donation with all funds going to our pastoral care fridge and St Vinnies. 💚💚💚💚

Book Week
Our Book Week celebration will be held in the final week of term with the dress-up assembly being held first part of the day. (There is a slight chance the costumes may not be at their finest at our normal assembly time!)

Character Strengths
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Good Judgement. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

Operation Christmas Child 

It's that time of year that we participate in the 'Operation Christmas Child' shoe box initiative that has been a wonderful OLC tradition for many years and reflects our school value of Compassion so well. These shoe boxes are sent to underprivileged children throughout the world as a gift for Christmas.

The children will be placed into in groups of four and between them, they will fill a shoebox with a variety of items. The items do not need to be expensive. Each child in the group will be asked to cover the cost of sending the shoebox to its final destination. We ask them to bring in $2.50 each. The children will be given time in the classroom to pack the shoebox and explore some of the places that their shoe boxes may be travelling to.

Please see the flyer below for further information:

Please check your child's note that clearly states which item category they need to bring:
- Something to love
- Something to play with
- Something to draw with or write on
- Something for personal hygiene 
- Something to wear 

Items are to be no longer than 20cm long and not too bulky as they will not fit in the shoe box. 

If you have any queries or concerns can you please contact me A.S.A.P, as the children will need to have their items in by the End of week 9 (Friday 16th September). We will have a box at the front of the classroom for all donations to be put into.

Seesaw App - Please note there are some families that have still not connected to their child's Seesaw app, can you please use the QR code sent home with your child to login and access your child's portfolio of work. Please let me know if you have any issues or questions.

Upcoming Events
  1. Thursday 9th September - School Photos (full winter uniform)
  2. Friday 10th September - Graduation & Muck Up Photo
  3. Friday 10th September - OLC's Got Talent Finals - 1.45pm in the hall
  4. Friday 17th September - Operation Christmas Child Donations due
  5. Tuesday 21st September - Ellenbrook House Excursion (Further details TBC)
  6. Wednesday 22nd September - Book Week Dress Up Assembly - 9am in the hall
  7. Friday 24th September - Footy/Sports Colours Free Dress Fundraiser


The students homework is due on Friday the 10th of September. This week will have a different task within their homework, a project to complete at home. The students will need to complete an art project - Peace Poster.

Please ensure all students are completing their homework and getting you to check it with a signature nightly and then signing the learning grid and homework diary on a Thursday afternoon before it is returned. Students who have not completed their homework will complete it during class time and during recess and lunch, an email will also be sent home to notify you. This organisation and time management skills is vital to aid in an easier transition to high school. 

Home Learning Grid includes:

  1. Reading x 20 minutes every night - students to write up the pages that they read that night and the parent to sign every night.
  2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book.
  3. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.
  4. NEW!! Art Project - Peace Poster - due Friday 17th September (needs to be brought back to school on Friday to work on in class. 
  5. Any unfinished class tasks.

We all hoped that you enjoyed our wonderful blog, from Skyla, Laura, Jeremy & Charlie and to all the old men out there who call themselves a father, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY have a great day. 

We love you, we appreciate you and we are so lucky to have you!


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