Week 7 - Term 1 2022


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I spent the weekend talking to family in lieu of not being home to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day whilst camping in Flinders Bay in Augusta, BLISS!

A big shout out to the students of 6H and 6M this week for embracing their inner Leprechaun and celebrating all that is green on Saint Patrick's Day on the 17th March! ðŸ’š☘

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! (Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!)
I also just wanted to include a little note on Saint Patrick's Day for those of you that do not know the background. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Born in Roman Britain in the late 4th century, he was kidnapped at the age of 16 and taken to Ireland as a slave. He escaped but returned about 432 to convert the Irish to Christianity. There are many legends surrounding the life of Saint Patrick including the legend where he rid Ireland of snakes.

There are many traditions that we celebrate on Saint Patrick's Day and many symbols used for the day. Including:
The color green - Catholics are known to wear green on the holiday of Saint Patrick. It is also the colour of Ireland too.
The four and three leaf clover - While trying to convert the Irish into Christians, St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the holy trinity with each leaf representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three leaves of a shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from.
A leprechaun - According to Irish folklore, leprechauns were cranky tricksters who you wouldn't want to mess with. They live alone and pass the time by playing tricks on the Irish people. The good-natured leprechaun soon became a symbol of St. Patrick's Day and Ireland in general.

What's your leprechaun name? Maybe share it with your child in celebration of all things small, green and Irish. Mine according to the below is Sprinkles McDoodle. 
6H birthdays 🎂
Matilda Richordson-26th of March
Alec Pollared-28th of March
Elliot Birch-30th of March
Ava Lewis-31th of March
Kai Gleeson 11th April
Esmeralda bounty 14th April
Xavier Armstrong 16th April

⭐⭐Merit Award⭐⭐
Well done to Esmerelda Boundy for receiving our 6H Merit Award for week 7. This merit award was awarded to Esmerelda for her outstanding ability to show all the school values to all who meet her. Esmerelda, is a true WESTIE and her kindness knows no bounds. We love that she is Welcoming to all, Encouraging of others, have the ability to say Sorry and Thank you. We are lucky to have Esmerelda as a true and active role model at OLC. Well done Esmerelda! 

Special Note
We received this wonderful email during the week - well done Year 6 team! 

"I wanted to quickly e-mail you to let you know I spent the weekend down in Dunsborough.

On Sunday I saw the sign for Car Wash – fundraising.

 I brought my car through, and it was a pleasure to have it cleaned by the parents and children at your school.  The children looked happy (and wet) they were also over the moon my car was a little white fiesta (not a four-wheel drive).

 What a lovely school you have!

 I hope their hard work raised great funds.

 Have a great day."

6H Important Reminders 

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Honesty. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

World Down Syndrome Day 
Tomorrow, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and we will be hosting a crazy sock day at school. This will celebrate everybody and their individualities and their creativities. It will be amazing to see all the students sock designs. Can you please remind your child to wear their designed socks and if possible, bring a gold coin donation for Down Syndrome WA?

6H Learning

Leprechaun Trap:
Congratulations to the students on their successful, creative and wonderful Leprechaun Traps. I am sure if they left their trap out in Ireland they would each catch a Leprechaun and get their 3 wishes and pot of gold. 

We have started our Confirmation unit this week. We first started by reflecting on Pentecost and the students explored how this links to Confirmation. Watch this space - there will be a Seesaw Post with the students recalling Pentecost in a comic book strip. They will also record a reflection describing the link between Pentecost and Confirmation. 
I have asked the students to start discussing their Confirmation Saint name with you on the weekend. Next week in class, we will start exploring Canonisation and Saints. The students will need to pick their Saint Name by Week 9. Please discuss as a family. 
The current date for Confirmation on the school calendar is Saturday the 14th of May. Please know that plans may be subject to change, due to COVID. I suspect that we may have to hold the Sacrament over several dates to adhere to distancing requirements, but have yet to hear anything from the Bishop's office. All students are expected to attend on the day including candidates and buddies. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

This week's homework we are doing six times tables and at least 30-40 minutes of reading a night. Homework will be due fortnightly and don’t forget to fill in the reading log in your homework book.

Go n-éiri an bóthár leat (May your journey be successful). 
Miss Hurst


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