Term 4 - Week 2


1 week down - 7 to go, can you believe it?  

What a busy first week back to school we have had. We have worked on BEDMAS and angles in math. We have continued reading the awesome novel, Rabbit Solider Angel Thief. We have started working on proceedures and focused on practicing the structure. And started our plans for high school in health. Not to mention that we had our first assembly back as a whole school. Well done to our leadership team, who had their first speaking roles. Over the next few weeks, you will see lots of awesome seesaw posts of our awesome work.

Please note on Wednesday morning at 9.30am, we will be departing OLC and walking to the church to join the parish mass. 

Merit Award

Well done to Cody Marsden for receiving our merit award for week 1. This merit award was given for his dedicated and detailed input into our novel study. Cody, has demonstrated great listening skills, listening carefully to the story. This allows him to make excellent inferences and predictions, drawing on key details from the text. He has been expertly applying the super six comprehension strategies to help deepen his understanding of the story. Well done Cody, thank you for your insightful input to class discussions.

🖌🎨Calendar Art🖌🎨
Please note that your child's calendar art is available for purchase using the below link:


The students worked very hard on these pieces. The challenge was to include the Aboriginal Six Seasons including plants, animals, birds and colours that relate to each particular season. They then had to include our class totem - the numbat and what it is doing during each season. This involved research, preparation, organisation and creativity.

🖌🎨Buddy Class Art Session🖌🎨
On Friday, 6H were very excited to welcome our Year 2 buddy students into our classroom. When they joined us, we conducted an art session using the digital resource - Art Hub For Kids. The Year 6 students were awesome leaders during this session and showed patience and kindness to their buddy! 

Graduation PowerPoint
I am are hoping that you can find and email me a photo of your child as a baby and/or toddler. We would like to create a PowerPoint for Graduation with these special photos, as well as others from their time at OLC. If you have any ripper photos from your child's time at OLC, we would greatly appreciate any donations. Please email them through so I can get onto this job as soon as I can.

Swimming Carnival 
In week 3 and 4, Mrs Sinclair will be holding time trials and the Swimming Carnival. All students in Year 4-6 will be involved in the swimming carnival. Our aim is for the students to have fun as well as do their best in their races. The permission slip will be sent shortly with more information soon.

Trials Information: Tueday 25th October at the Geographe Leisure Centre.

Carnival Information: 4th November

Grandparents Day 
Grandparents day will take place on Friday the 28th of October. The schedule for the day is as follows:
1.30: Grandparents gather in the hall for light afternoon tea.
1.50: Grandparents are invited to visit the classrooms of their grandchildren.            
2.30: Please be ready to begin assembly in the hall.
Can you please let me know if your child has grandparents attending on the day?        

Term 4 Important Dates:
19th October - Parish Mass at 9.30am on Wednesday
20th October - Interschool Athletics Carnival
26th October - Year 6 Cultural Incursion
27th October - MacKillop High School Information Session
28th October - Grandparents Day
4th November - OLC Swimming Carnival
11th November - Student Free Day
23rd November - OLC AGM
2nd December - International Day of Disabilities
7th December - Christmas Concert
8th December - Year 6 Excursion Extravaganza
9th December - Year 6 Graduation, last day of school, colour run


The students homework is due on Wednesday, 19th October. 

Please ensure all students are completing their homework and getting you to check it with a signature nightly and then signing the reading log and homework diary on a Tuesday afternoon before it is returned. Students who have not completed their homework will complete it during class time and during recess and lunch, an email will also be sent home to notify you. This organisation and time management skills is vital to aid in an easier transition to high school. 

Home Learning includes:

  1. Reading x 40 minutes every night - students to write up the pages that they read that night and the parent to sign every night.
  2. Math - Ultimate Time tables quiz and figure out the number question challenge. 
  3. High school preparation questions (please read and answer these questions with your child). 
  4. Any unfinished class tasks.
Have a great Sunday, I look forward to having a great week 2 with 6H!

Miss Hurst 


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