Term 4 - Week 8


My goodness, the end is in sight, only two weeks left with our little 6H family. I am full of mixed emotions, sadness that they will be leaving but happiness and excitement for our excursion and graduation. I would like to take this opportunity to send you all a massive thank you for your support this year. Thank you for your kind emails, patience and laughs over the year. 

As there a lot of reminders below I have not included much other information. Thanks guys for your patience and understanding over the last two weeks. We will have a very busy two weeks ahead with lots of practice and preparation for both the Christmas concert and the graduation so lots of rest ahead for the Year 6 students. Thanks guys! 

Merit Award
Well done to Carter Reynolds for receiving the 6H merit award this week. This award was for your excellent effort this term with measurement in math. Carter, you are a marvelous measuring mathematician! Carter you are also an amazing role model and a caring and kind leader! You always show deep compassion and care to all you meet. You are generous with your friendship and are inclusive of everyone. What amazing qualities! Well done Carter!

Artist Incursion - Rebecca Cool 
As part of OLC's Strategic Plan to increase opportunities for Visual Arts experiences across the school, the P&F have organised local artist, Rebecca Cool, to work with all classes in the school this week. Rebecca will do a lesson with each class. 6H's session is on Tuesday, 29th November at 9.40am - 10.40am. 

Graduation Practice and Year 6 Busy Bee 
Our first graduation practice went well on Friday, we set out with two goals:
1. Find our seats for the ceremony at the church. 
2. Work on our entrance to the ceremony.
Well done to the Year 6 group, we left the church having achieved both of these goals. Thank you to Mrs Meyer for joining us and helping with this preparation. 
Due to the crazy Friday weather, we only got to help out at the church for one hour! Unfortunately, gardening and weeding was probably not the Year 6 students number 1 best quality 😋 therefore I think the students should do some extra gardening and weeding over the next few weeks at home to train up! 😛 Our next graduation practice will be Friday, 2nd December. 

Thursday 8th December brings a very exciting day for the Year 6 students. It is our Year 6 Excursion Extravaganza! 
The timetable is as follows:
9am - Depart OLC to arrive at Gravity at 10am
10am -11am - On hour bouncathon at Gravity
11am - Depart Gravity and head to the foreshore in Busselton for lunch
12pm - 1pm - Fish and chips from Equinox on the foreshore in Busselton
(Parents and volunteers are most welcome to join us at this point)
1pm - 2pm - Golf at Par 3 in Busselton 
2.15pm - Depart for Simmo's Ice Creamery
2.45pm - Arrive at Simmo's for an ice-cream and goodbyes
3.15pm - Parent pick up

Pick up will be at Simmos Ice Creamery no later than 3.15pm, we will not be heading back to the school. Therefore, you will need to arrange for your child to be picked up at Simmos.  If you are asking another parent to collect your child, please send me a note to say this as we are unable to allow children to leave with other than a guardian without a note.

Children will need to wear free dress (appropriate for the activities planned) on this day and please ensure they have a packed recess, snack, OLC school hat and water bottle (full of water). Please get students to put on sunscreen before leaving home that morning and we will reapply throughout the day.

IMPORTANT...For our Gravity visit, Gravity requires the students to wear their socks. Therefore, if your child does not have a pair of Gravity socks already, they will need to bring $3 on the day to purchase these.

Volunteers and parent helpers are required for Golf at the Par 3 to supervise groups. If you are available please email myself and Sean. We will meet you at the Busselton Foreshore at 12pm for lunch. 

Please get in touch if you have any additional questions. We are looking to have a fun day with the students and celebrate their growth and success this year.

Library Books
If you can please ask your child to make sure that they are checking for any school library books that may be hiding on their shelves or in their bedroom. Mrs Kemp is currently going through her lists so you may receive an individual message from her.

Secret Santa - Year 6 
The students have requested to do a Secret Santa across Year 6. This will be a student led initiative in the Year 6 Classroom for the students to purchase one small gift for a designated classmate. The students agreed on $10 as the max amount of money that could be spent, the suggestions were a chocolate bar, Christmas stocking, bouncy ball or craft items. Can you please ensure that you child brings their gift no later than Wednesday of week 9.

Saint Vincent De Paul Collection 
Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St Vincent De Paul Society. We have a collection box in 6H and you are invited to contribute specified items. Please give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Thank you.

Leaver's Shirt 
Due to an overprint, we have 10 remaining leavers shirts from the printers that are available for purchase, we are happy to sell these for a cost of $10. These shirts could be kept as a keepsake or they could be used as a shirt to sign on the last day of school. It will be first in best dressed as to their availability.

Photo Collection 
The students will need to collect photos of their friends and family from home and save them on their laptop. This will be essential for their graduation art piece.

The Season of Advent 
We celebrated the beginning of the season of Advent yesterday. Advent is a period of spiritual preparation in which many Christians make themselves ready for the coming, or birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Celebrating Advent typically involves a season of prayer, fasting, and repentance, followed by anticipation, hope, and joy. We celebrate Advent not only by thanking God for Christ's first coming to Earth as a baby, but also for his presence among us today through the Holy Spirit, and in preparation and anticipation of his final coming at the end of the age.

International Day of Disability
Friday, December 2 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). More than 1 billion people experience disability, and this figure is predicted to rise, due in part to population ageing and an increase in the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases. While disability correlates with disadvantage, not all people with disabilities are equally disadvantaged. Much depends on the context in which they live, and whether they have equal access to health, education and employment, among others. We will be discussing this in class over the week. 

Term 4 Important Dates:
(The orange dates below are within the week ahead)
29th November - Artist Incursion - Rebecca Cool
2nd December - International Day of Disabilities
2nd December - Second Graduation Practice at the Church 
7th December - Christmas Concert
8th December - Year 6 Excursion Extravaganza
9th December - Year 6 Graduation, last day of school, colour run


This is the last homework for the 6H family. This will be due on Wednesday, 30th November.

Home Learning includes:

  1. Reading x 40 minutes every night.
  2. Math - Paper Plane measurement investigation. 
  3. Collect photos of friends and family on their laptop. 
  4. Any unfinished class tasks.
Have a great weekend, I look forward to having a great week 8 with 6H!

Miss Hurst 


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