Week 3 and 4 of Term 2


Well done to the Year 6 students on a great start to Term 2. We have had a busy first two weeks back to school with Church visits, beginning of term tests and ending some big projects from term 1. We also have a busy two weeks ahead, with our yoga session with the wonderful Heather Starr, our Minecraft Launch session with CEWA and lots of learning to do. 

A massive thank you to all the 6H and 6M students for making my Birthday very special. You all made my day! 💖💖💖

Term 2 week 1 and 2 God Moments for Year 6:

The Gardening Gurus leadership crew working in the veggie garden with Mr Jones.

Watching the students try to outrun Wilco on Friday after cross country.

Book Fair 2023
You probably would have already seen the posters around the school. Book fair will take place Tuesday and Wednesday in Week 4 ( 16th & 17th May). Opening times for parents/grandparents to come are:
Tue 8- 8.30 am and 3-4 pm
Wed 8-8.30 am & 3-3.30 pm

As well as being open during the above hours, the book fair will also be open to the students during 2nd lunch. They will also have class time to have a browse. There will be a simple competition ALL students (not just the ones who buy a book) can enter. There will be one winner per year group and they will be able to choose a book to keep. OLC gets a commission from all books sold – we can get it as books from the fair for the library, some scholastic points to spend at the Scholastic shop later in the year or a cash amount that can be spent at local bookshops.

A note from Mrs Haines regarding dance for Term 2:
Hello Families, if you are planning to be away at all this Term and/or away for the Dance Concert, can you please email me, ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au so I can plan accordingly. I only get to see your children for 1 hour a week and have had a lot of students telling me that they will be away this term/for the concert etc but need confirmation from parents please. Thank you- Mrs Haines

Character Strengths:
Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of Judgement. 
St Alphonsus left his career as a lawyer to follow God. St Alphonsus was a practical person, who dealt with the concrete and not the abstract.
• Do you think things through?
• Are you open-minded and think about all sides of a situation?

Homework - Due on Monday:
Please remind your child that their homework is due tomorrow. Please advise them to bring their diary and for it to be signed. 
There is also some students who have to return their narrative writing - Narnia on Monday. This needs to be completed and typed and returned with the cover page. The students were given six weeks to complete this task in Term 1. This is now due on Monday. 

Health Project - Due Soon:
The students cooking project is  DUE Monday 8th May (6H) and Tuesday 9th May (6M) and I am looking forward to seeing them. The students have been working hard over the last two weeks and I have seen some exciting progress. Can you please ensure they have their ingredients and materials ready for their presentation day! 

Below is the checklist and rubric given to the students describing the group task and what they have to complete in their groups (click on the links below):

Year 5/6 Leadership Day
Our Year 6 students will be very fortunate to attend a special Leadership day in the hall on Monday the 22nd of May. The wonderful Mrs Meyer has arranged for the students to have an inspirational speaker for the day. This event has been supported by the P&F. This will be a whole day presentation and the students will be required to wear their sports uniform please. This is a wonderful privilege for our students and will hopefully aid in the students becoming the best leaders they can be.

Important Dates for Term 2 2023
  1. Monday 8th May - Veggie Stall before school 
  2. Wednesday 10th May - 6H Yoga session with Heather Starr at 2.40pm.
  3. Thursday 11th May - Minecraft Student Launch Session at 9.15pm. 
  4. Sunday 14th May - Mother's Day 
  5. Monday 15th May - Veggie Stall before school 
  6. Tuesday 16th May - Book Fair 
  7. Wednesday 17th May - Book Fair 
  8. Friday 19th May - National Walk to School Safely Day 
  9. Monday 22nd May - Veggie Stall before school 
  10. Monday 22nd May - Year 6 Leadership Day 
  11. Friday 26th May - National Sorry Day 
  12. Monday 29th May - Veggie Stall before school 
  13. Monday 29th - Friday 2nd June - National Reconciliation Week 
  14. Friday 2nd June - Pupil Free Day 
  15. Monday 5th June - WA Public Holiday 
  16. Thursday 8th June - Winter Sport Carnival 
  17. Monday 12th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  18. Thursday 15th June - OLC Cross Country 
  19. Friday 16th June - OLC dance concert 
  20. Monday 19th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  21. Tuesday 20th June - World Refugee Day 
  22. Monday 26th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  23. Friday 30th June - End of Term 2 

Wishing a wonderful Mother's Day to all the AMAZING woman in your life, the moms, the grandmas, sisters, aunties and friends. I hope you all get spoiled rotten by your children. 

Kindest regards,

Mrs Hurst


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