Week 1 and 2 of Term 3


Welcome back to Term 3! This is the big one, with human development workshops, class incursions, preparation for Confirmation and of course the biggest of all - YEAR 6 CAMP! 

I hope you all have had an excellent holiday with family, friends and memories despite the winter weather of rain and a lot of wind! I had a wonderful time, but cannot wait to get back into Term 3 and to see the 6H family and to hear the students stories. 

It was wonderful to celebrate the fond farewells of the wonderful Mr Lee, with you on the last week of school. Below you can view the Year 6 gift. We gifted Mr Lee, with blueberries, as they symbolize growth and hope for the future. We wish Mr Lee a fun adventure on the road ahead! Please come back and visit us at OLC though! 

All the Year 6 students had the opportunity to write Mr Lee a message, that was hung on the tree and sign the pot. An extra special shout to the art team that skillfully, decorated the rest of the pot with OLC artwork. These students included; Harry, Luka and Emily. Well done team, I am sure Mr Lee will cherish it! 

Year 6 Camp 2023
Can you believe we are only six weeks away from camp time! We are so excited to take the Year 6 students on camp this year! Soon your child will take home a packing list and a medical form, these will help your to prepare your child for camp.We will be departing on Monday the 21st of August and returning on Wednesday the 23rd at 3pm. If you have any concerns in the meantime please do not hesitate to reach out. Also, please watch this space as your child will have a weekly camp task that they will have to complete on Seesaw to prepare them for life on camp. These will be fun tasks (especially for the parents), so please ensure your child is completing these tasks regularly. 

Even though it is a very exciting time, we are aware that for many, it is a time for nervousness. To help with this, we are going to be reading and studying a book about a Western Australian student preparing for camp - "Michaela Mason's Big List of Camp Worries". Through the study of this novel we will be learning about resilience and will discuss and prepare our resilience tool kit for our own camp worries. Recognising that all students have some worries no matter how big or small. Hopefully, the discussions and the recognition that we are all in this together, will go some way to relieve some of the nervousness that they may face before and during camp. However, if your child is especially nervous, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Organisation Focus - Term 3 
This term we will be placing a significant focus on organisation, in preparation for high school. There will be a greater focus on:

- Charging of laptops every night to ensure they come 100% charged
- Bringing library bags and ensuring they borrow each week (6H - Tuesday, 6M - Thursday)
- Ensuring homework is completed and returned every Monday
- Stationary is stocked in their pencil case, so no borrowing needs to take place from the class resources

Consequences will be enforced if the students if are regularly not complying to these class expectations. Thank you for your support with this.

Important Dates for Term 3 2023 
  1. Thursday 27th July - Inter school Cross Country 
  2. Wednesday 9th August - World Indigenous Day 
  3. Friday 18th August - OLC feast day and mission markets 
  4. Monday 21st - Wednesday 23rd August - Year 6 Camp 
  5. Monday 21st - Friday 25th August - Book Week
  6. Monday 28th August - Pupil Free Day 
  7. Friday 1st September - EA Appreciation Day - We love you, Mrs Annert and Mrs Byrne!
  8. Sunday 3rd September - Fathers Day 
  9. Tuesday 5th September - Confirmation Workshop
  10. Wednesday 13th September - Learning Journey - Open Classroom
  11. Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day 
  12. Friday 15th September - OLC Athletics Carnival 
  13. Saturday 16th September - Year 6 Confirmation Commitment Mass 
  14. Friday 22nd September - OLC's Got Talent and last day of school for term 
Homework - Due on Monday 24th July 
This term the students will continue with their math booklet, which will offer some practice and revision as well as some new challenges. We will ask the students to continue with their at home reading and time tables practice if needed. At times, your child may have extra work due to unfinished tasks or projects that will need to be completed. This is to prepare your child for the increase in homework that they will receive once they reach high school, as we are only two terms away now this increase is timed. 

Thanks for your ongoing support. Enjoy the last few days of your time with your child. I cannot wait to see everyone, fresh faced and bushy tailed on Monday! 

Mrs Hurst


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