Week 6 and 7 of Term 3


We hope you enjoyed a little peace and quiet last week, whilst your child was having the time of their life at camp. Hopefully it didn't take them too long to recover from the epic adventure that it was. Luckily we had that perfectly timed long weekend as a chance to recharge for the remainder of the term.

Camp 2023:
There is no doubt your child was bursting at the seams to share their amazing tales and stories from camp, well after a bit of sleep...that is😊. We had the best time and the students made you guys very proud. They showed resilience and bravery in all activities, as well as kindness and respect to everyone around them. They were their teams' greatest cheer leaders, offering such wonderful support to each other. πŸ’› They completed any task that was asked of them with efficiency and no fuss. In the coming weeks the students will have access to a folder where they can view all the pictures taken by the teachers. You can then revisit the stories and activities with your child on their laptop. 

A special thank you goes to the amazing staff at Forest Edge who provided the students with strong leadership and quality life lessons. In addition, a massive thank you goes out to the sensational team of staff that came along with us; Mrs Leahy, Mrs Annert, Mrs Meyer, Mr Torrese and Mrs Birch. This camp would not have happened without your hard work and dedication. Lastly, the biggest thank you goes to our incredible parent helpers Matt Archer, Claire Jeffreys and Chris Gibbins. You all were a wonderful addition to the team! 

Lastly, we were very humbled and grateful to receive appreciation and thanks from many parents upon our return to school. It is such a wonderful compliment as a teacher to be recognised in such a simple way.

Peace Poster:
You also may have noticed that your child has brought home a Peace Poster to be completed. This is a competition that we run annually in Year 6 and is coordinated by the Lions clubs around the globe. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. This year's theme is 'Dare to Dream'. 

"To a young person, a dream isn’t just a wish, hope or desire — it’s a path, a goal, an ambition. But achieving that dream takes hard work. So this year, we’re asking young people to show how they’ll turn their dream of a peaceful world into reality." - Lions Club

This project will also be part of your child's art grade so must be completed. The students have already had two sessions in class to work on this and they now must complete this at home for homework. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Little Archie:
In art, students are practicing drawing techniques to assist with their upcoming Junior Archie (Archibald) portrait challenge.  In class, students have been working on techniques to help them draw facial features.  They practice their technique before showing this on an A3 page that combines their learning.  If your child doesn't complete the good copy in class time, they will bring their good copy home to complete.  Students have access to all videos to assist them complete their good copies on Onenote so may ask to watch the related video to assist with their drawing.

Correct Uniform...is your child wearing it?
Just this week back we have noticed some incorrect uniform items appearing again. We please ask that you check your child is following the schools uniform policy before they walk out the door each day.

- Girls Winter Formal Uniform - white shirt & skirt, plain white socks/tights, all black shoes
- Boys Winter Formal Uniform - grey shorts or pants, white shirt, plain grey socks, all black shoes
- Sports Uniform - black school shorts or trackpants (no leggings), faction or leavers polo, plain white socks and predominately white/black/grey sneakers.
- Accessories - sleepers or small stud earrings only, catholic pendant and necklace only, no bracelets, school hat only, school coloured scrunchies, headbands and ribbons. 

Repeat offenders will be followed up with by Admin and a call will be made home. We thank you for your continued support with this.

Open Class - Learning Journey:
On Wednesday 13th September (week 9) our classrooms will be open from 3.15 - 5pm for you to come and spend some time with your child to look through what we've been working on in class. We look forward to seeing you there.

Confirmation Date Change: 
As per Mrs Meyer's email sent this week, please see a reminder of the dates important confirmation dates below: 
  1. Tuesday 10th October 5.00pm: Confirmation Parent Child Workshop - only candidates expected to attend.
  2. Saturday 14th October 6.00pm: Confirmation Commitment Mass at the church only candidates expected to attend.
  3. Friday 20th October All Day: Onsite Confirmation Retreat for all year 6 students at school.
  4. Saturday 28th October 6.00pm: Sacrament of Confirmation - all Year 6 students expected to attend.
If your child is making the Sacrament of Confirmation, you can expect to hear more information regarding the process and requirements in the coming weeks. 

Important Dates for Term 3 2023:
  1. Friday 1st September - EA Appreciation Day - We love you, Mrs Annert and Mrs Byrne!
  2. Sunday 3rd September - Fathers Day 
  3. Friday 8th September - OLC'S GOT Talent
  4. Wednesday 13th September - Learning Journey - Open Classroom
  5. Thursday 14th September - R U OK Day 
  6. Friday 15th September - OLC Athletics Carnival 
  7. Friday 22nd September - Book Week dress up and last day of school for term 

NEW!!Additional Homework Tasks

Over the past two weeks, many tasks have been started in class but due to limited time and absentees, some students have many tasks still to complete. Unfortunately we need to keep moving in our learning, therefore there are additional tasks to be completed for homework by next Monday 4th September. We ask that you check in with your child to see if they have any of the following to complete:
       1. Invented Animal Flipbook
       2. Religion Comic Strip
       3. Michaela Mason Summary
       4. Camp Reflection

Homework - Due on Monday 4th of September 2023
  • Mental Math booklet - 'Shark Infested Coordinates' activity
  • 30 minutes reading per night
  • Peace Poster due Friday 8th September (week 8)
  • Art Techniques due week 8
  • Unfinished projects: see list above
Thank you for your ongoing support. Have a great end to the week!
Mrs Hurst


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